Portsmouth Historic Dockyard Ticket Portal

1 Attraction Ticket

Valid for one attraction only on a selected single day. Choice of one attraction entry excludes Action Stations and Harbour Tours. Attractions subject to availability.

Additional access provided to Boathouse 4 boatbuilding exhibition, Dockyard apprentice exhibition, cafes, restaurants and shops.

No savings when booked online

Ticket options

  • Adult
    0 30 max
  • Senior
    0 30 max
  • Child
    0 30 max
1 Attraction Ticket

Valid for one attraction only on a selected single day. Choice of one attraction entry excludes Action Stations and Harbour Tours. Attractions subject to availability.

Additional access provided to Boathouse 4 boatbuilding exhibition, Dockyard apprentice exhibition, cafes, restaurants and shops.

No savings when booked online

0 items selected
